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這福音本是神的大能,要救一切信的人。——羅馬書 1:16
你們已經脫去舊人,並且穿上了新人…在此並沒有希利尼人和猶太人…惟有基督是一切,又在一切之內。——歌羅西 3:11




Praise the Lord for bringing me to India! The Lord really shined upon me during this blending trip. I am particularly reminded on two points: to treasure and pursue the Word of God and to bear the burden of preaching the gospel.
Regarding the first point, during a special fellowship about RSG, an Indian brother shared his experience of reading the Bible. When he was saved in 1997, the Recovery Version Bible was very expensive in India. Also he would be driven out of the house if his parents found out about his faith. So he paid installments for almost a year to get his Bible and he would lock himself in the bathroom every day for an hour to pursue the Word! I am really reminded to not take the Word of God for granted. We are so lucky that the Bible is so available to us yet I am still not diligent in pursing the Word!
Regarding the second point, I propagated with local saints in the community. There was a young sister in my group. She is 14 years old and was saved only 3 years ago, but she is already propagating! I am really ashamed because I was often unwilling to just distribute gospel tracts on campus. I could really see the burden to preach the gospel in this young sister.
May the Lord have mercy upon me and burden me to pursue the Word and to preach the gospel! (HKU District Br. Poon)

Praise the Lord for His move in India! We are so blessed to have this opportunity to blend with the saints especially those from Chennai and Pondicherry.
The Lord has gained generations of people here that genuinely love Him and His Body with a pure and joyful heart. I am deeply touched by the spirit of the saints; regardless of what they are doing or how the outer situation is, the saints are always rejoicing in the Lord, giving thanks to Him and praising Him. l can testify that the local saints are living the church life steadfastly with one accord and they partook of their food with exultation and simplicity of heart, praising God and having grace with all the people. Throughout the trip, the local saints showed a sincere brotherly love for us in their labouring and fellowshipping with us. They laid themselves aside to serve all of us. I am really encouraged and strengthened by this love out from God through these saints. Hallelujah for such a reality in the churches in India!
I believe all of us can testify that the Lord has opened a door in India. Since there are so many idols in India, I thought that most if not all locals are occupied by these idols and would close their hearts from the gospel. After praying and prayreading with some local saints for almost two hours, we split into small teams to preach the gospel in the campuses and local communities for just over an hour. Unlike the people in Hong Kong, all the locals were willing to stop and listen to us. Hallelujah, most of them were willing to call on the Lord's name and pray with us. They were genuine in their calling and praying and I could see their joy afterwards. Yes, no one can shut this door that the Lord opened in India. May the Lord gain us more to keep His word, not deny His name and go out to preach the high gospel with the little power from Him so that He can gain His counterpart. (HKU District Br. Poon )

This trip to India is fantastic. We blended joyfully with the local saints. I never thought there would be so many Lord-loving saints in India before we came here.
Now I can testify that the Lord's move in Asia is fast. India has so many languages, and yet that did not hinder the saints from prophesying, from blending with other saints either. The family meetings often need to be translated, but the saints are still very active in prophesying in the meetings. Often young saints translate for each other, and take turns to speak.
The church in Chennai is one of the largest in India. And the saints were very energetic there. They pay the prices to live a church life. They sing the hymns by reciting. About 1/3 of the songs are translated into their local language. And these hymns are memorized by a significant portion of the saints.
There is a huge need of gospel in North India. Many of the students are open to gospel but not many of them could get into the church life, usually because of family objection. So they need full-time serving ones to help them get into the church life. In the National College Conference we happen to be able to attend, students were called to attend FTT-ND(New Dehli). A lot of college saints answered the call and consecrated themselves to the Lord to be an FTT trainee.
May the Lord gain more God-lovers in the college to serve him. May the Lord also gain more saints from outside India to co-work with Him in India. (UST District Br. Ding)


大專特會其中一篇資訊引用約翰福音 3:30「祂必擴增,我必衰減。 」弟兄沒有提到我們要如何衰減,但弟兄一直分享基督那追測不盡的豐富,祂賜那靈是沒有限量。我們雖然沒有見過祂,卻是愛祂。我十分寶貝弟兄以認識基督為至寶,情不自禁渴望讓主更多長在我裏面。


感謝主使我有分於這次的印度相調和開展! 我很享受與印度弟兄姊妹的相調和交通。以往我覺得印度是一個頗新的召會,可能大部分弟兄姊妹的屬靈生命較幼嫩。但在相調聚會中,我看見無論是男女老少都起來申言,而且沒有一個特別的人位服事翻譯,同年齡的聖徒會為他們的同伴翻譯,每一位都非常盡功用,在聚會中點燈。
在一次與印度的少年人交通時,她們分享她們的召會生活: 每天早上4:30起床,5:00到一個家裏一起晨興享受主話一個小時,之後預備上學。放學後,她們又會聚在一起唱詩享受主。這些聚集不是服事者提出的,是少年人自己發起的!這些少年人在聚會中都很活、很供應生命,這提醒了我,外面要活出基督,其實背後要付代價。這很激勵我要付更多代價與同伴一起追求主,成為自然流露基督豐富的基督徒!

