感謝主,我可以參加ICTA,首次看到這麼多國家和地區愛主的弟兄姊妹。在聚會中,主多次藉著弟兄們向我說話。弟兄說,我們有很多自己的計劃,有很多的追求,有未來的擔憂,但是這些追求,這些計劃,有多少是屬於主的呢?這個世界太嘈雜了,我們要有一顆純淨的心,完全獻給主,把主放在第一位,操練不堅持自己的選擇,而是去揀選主的選擇,因為主的選擇是最好的,不要放棄主給我們的,而去選擇次好的。求主再來製作我的心,使我的心純全向著他,並操練在參加全時間訓練之前就住在主話的裡,被主話浸透,與祂毫無間隔。(尖沙咀區 彭姊妹)
在ICTA第三篇信息中說到,我們要吃屬天的嗎哪,並且要一直吃,吃40年!基督徒要有一個規律的生活,雖然我們已經從埃及出來,但埃及的成份沒有完全從我們中間除去。主,雖然我已經得救,在父面前沒有了諸多罪狀,但我還是有罪的成分,我還是要日復一日的操練自己,作燈裡有油的童女。這次回香港,我做了一個決定,我要住進弟兄之家,與弟兄們一起享受屬天的嗎哪!(科大區 何弟兄)
我很享受弟兄說到申言的目的不是讓每個人都說話,而是要建造召會,建造基督的身體。信息裡提到正確的申言需具備三個條件:對神話語的認識、聖靈即時的引導和神經綸的異象。求主得着我的生活,『藉著各樣的禱告和祈求,接受救恩的頭盔,並那靈的劍,那靈就是神的話』。只有每天竭力追求主的話、主觀經歷包羅萬有的基督,才能生命長大。只有在靈裡剛強並在神聖生命裡成熟,才彀資格編組成軍,為著神在地上的權益和行動爭戰。(荃灣區 顏姊妹)
這次的訓練,感謝主,給我多方面的經歷和看見,我看見生命長大的必要,特別是申言。民數記11章29節說,『(摩西)惟願耶和華所有的百姓都是申言者,願耶和華把衪的靈放在他們身上!』摩西,即豫表基督,希望我們每位都是為神說話的人,無論屬靈年日有多少,都能申言,只需有那靈即時的感動,屬天的異象和主的真理。申言能建造人,使人有學習、安慰和勉勵,召會就得以建造。因此申言是召會聚會中最重要的事。雖然每次申言都不習慣和膽怯,但求主使我們都有最少一他連得的恩賜,都能一個一個起來申言。讚美主!(沙田區 江姊妹)
這次ICTA中我很被提醒,說話對神的子民是十分重要的。民數記是一本關於神的軍隊和爭戰的書,表面來看,申言似乎與爭戰沒有關係,但弟兄們幫助我從屬靈的角度來看11章25-29節與整本民數記的關係。不恰當的說話不但會散佈死亡,更會把背叛帶進神子民中間。相反,申言能說出神,供應聖徒,勝過一切的背叛。為了勝過以色列子民的失敗,神需要人有正確的說話並正確的代表神!此外,申言也是我們與神配合並擊敗仇敵的路。主需要祂的軍隊憑藉內住在我們裡面運行並塗抹的那靈,說出神來。我們需要學習神所要的申言。我們要在日常生活中操練與神有交通,好使我們的申言能建造基督的身體並為神爭戰。(荃灣區 顏弟兄)
神今天有一個急切需要,祂要我們生命長大並成熟。我們編組成軍,為神在地上的權益並行動爭戰,就需要生命長大並且成熟。感謝主,這四天的訓練讓我看見我們在大學就要來受成全,要更多被主的話構成,藉著每天的吃喝,改變我們的胃口,使基督成為我們唯一的食物。我很受提醒我們不該讓在訓練中聽到的話輕易過去,我們需要在生活裡操練。(荃灣區 黃弟兄)
藉著這次的ICTA,主對我說話。儘管我已經在分別的曠野裡,我仍然由世界(埃及)所構成。主光照我,若要被主構成,就需要每早讀主的話,主就會給我有胃口。『耶和華萬軍之神阿,我得著你的言語,就當食物喫了;你的言語成了我心中的歡喜快樂;因我是稱為你名下的人。』耶十五16。感謝主,我們可以吃主的話!很享受這幾天的生活,每早晨都和同伴們一起吃主的話,這些話也向我們發出亮光。我願意每早晨都繼續和同伴吃主的話!(沙田區 吳弟兄)
感謝主把我再次帶到ICTA!這次民數記的結晶訓練裡,有兩個點我印象很深刻,第一是我們需要看見神有一個逼切的需要,就是要在地上得著祂的軍隊,為著祂並同著祂爭戰!我們都需要不斷的吃喝,不斷的在這美地上扎根,我們被主重新構成,才能達到生命成熟,編組成軍,為主的權益爭戰!為著我們的申言,我們需要對主的話有充分的認識,還需要聖靈的塗抹,讓主能藉著聖靈在我們的靈裡說話。祂在我們裡面說話,我們就有從祂而來的話來供應人。我們實在需要操練申言,把基督說到人裡面!求主保守我們的生活,叫我們都過申言的生活。(荃灣區 羅弟兄)
在 ICTA 的聚會裡,主很清楚告訴了我享受祂的路。悔改認罪、禱告、禱讀、對付舊人、付代價、讀主的話。但我還需要實行、操練才可以有見證。另外,我很摸著一位弟兄的分享。他說我們就像在一個橄欖球賽裡。主將衪的經綸這顆橄欖球交給使徒,一直傳到我們這一代。雖然人與環境變了很多,但是那個球和賽程是沒變的,賽規也一樣的。感謝主,我今天是在主的恢復裡,可以認識並有分於衪的經綸。(尖沙咀區 楊弟兄)
I've never been very interested in the book of Numbers. To me, it was just a book of names, numbers, and failures. Praise the Lord that through the ICTA and the preparation that went into it, this book is a lot more meaningful. It is actually a book of victories, and God has a need for His army on earth! The point that touched me most was the general burden the brothers had for us to have personal time with the Lord. We need a change of our diet. Since we all grew up in the world, our constitution is Egyptian. The long term solution is to eat Jesus everyday for the rest of our life. God fed manna to the Israelites everyday for forty years. Since we are what we eat, they eventually became manna. This is much more difficult, but also much more effective. May the Lord reconstitute me for His purpose! (HKE district, Sis Chiu)
Praise the Lord. I really enjoyed the ICTA. God has an urgent need. We have to grow in life until maturirty to be in God's army. On one hand, normal eating and drinking is the only way for us to grow in divine life. God wants us to avoid the worldly diet and come to a diet of heavenly food only. We need to pray, to read bible, to enjoy Christ every day as our daily life supply. On the another hand, there are barriers in our heart that keep us away from the free flow of living water, including our conscience, our mind, our will and our emotion. I am really exposed that we always desire and seek for things other than God Himself. We should be willing to spend more time with the Lord we love, not only during ICTA, but in our whole life. (HKU district, Sis Chow)
This is my first time joining ICTA. Praise the lord, I really enjoy this training! Although the schedule of the training is tight, brothers have given out messages that are full of life and revelation. I really enjoy message 4. Brothers told us that if we want the water of life to flow freely in us, our heart needs to be pure. Matthew 5:8 says that”Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.”Meanwhile, I really like blending with the saints from different localities, I can feel the love in the Body of Christ. Also, I feel touched when I saw the serving ones helping us to prepare meals and clean the tables. They didn't serve us with their natural zeal, but with the love of God. (HKWYP district, Sis Hui)
Praise the Lord for the ICTA. This training has really opened up the word of God.A brother shared a touching testimony about how he went to different countries to propagate. He was from Anaheim. When the Lord's move went to Taiwan, he sold his company and house in order to go there. Then, when the Soviet Union fell, his family went to Russia, and the years were tough. Later, he followed a brother's charge and went to Ukraine. He has no house, no money, no car, no retirement plan, but he has the joy of having nothing! He testified that God's choice is the best, and encouraged us to consecrate ourselves to serve the Lord our whole life. Our choices are not only for us, but for God's eternal economy, to bring Him back in this age! (HKU district, Sis Young)
In the training, the brothers kept bringing up the importance of spending time with the Lord. Recently I've been quite anxious about my final year in college because of the heavy workload from classes, papers, teaching practice, final year project etc. The Lord spoke to me that we always have time for the things we love. But what about Him? Being busy is not an excuse for not having private times with Him. Colossians 2:6-7 reveals that we are like plants rooted in Christ. Plants absorb the riches from the soil all the time. They don't just absorb the nutrients once in a while. Instead, they do all-day absorption and never take a break. As Christians, we should also absorb Christ all day by seizing every opportunity to spend time with Him in the word with prayers. With an all-day absorption of Christ, we are able to grow in Him continually unto maturity and be formed into an army to fight with Christ for His interest on earth. (ST district, Sis Wong)
During our 4th day of training, a turmoil happened in Hong Kong. The information of violence and intimidation had spread everywhere since the pass few months. Hence, the atmosphere of death became prevailing among Hong Kong residents especially young people around us. In Message Ten, it shows Christ is the real Sun, yet He shines as a star, a star shines at night, but it indicates that day is coming. This reminds me that I need a seeking heart in such a chaotic period, since Christ only reveals Himself to the one who seeks Him as the morning star in the darkest time before the dawn. The brother said the overcomer with a seeking heart can find Christ as a living star which is the fresh revelation of the Lord's resurrection. We should be stars that shines like God in five ways. In order to be His duplication, we shall treasure the living words, open to the Lord, stop ourselves, do not resist the light and say amen, live in the light continually. Praising, singing and living out Christ even the age is dark. Hence, we can follow Him, stand up for him, and be the luminant stars that light up the heart of people in Hong Kong. (ST district, Sis Tsoi)
We have already read about the book of Numbers before the training. But at that time, I did not have any feeling of being an army. I think it is just the history of children of Israel, but not me. After the conference, I know the importance of forming an army. When we are formed as an army, we could fight for God to gain the land. In the old testament, the Isrealites had a physical battle of the enemy, but in the new testament, it is the spiritual war. The weapon is to speak God's word! Lord, set our eyes on you! We are your speaking army! We need to see when we prophesy, we speak for God and speak forth God. I also enjoyed the group prayer during the blending trip. We did not only pray for ourselves but also for Hong Kong's situation, the burden and need of Thailand's saints. Hallelujah! It is so precious to have such a fellowship in the body of Christ! (TW district, Sis Tai)
Thank the Lord for all the serving ones - FTTB trainees, saints in Bangkok, and saints from all over Asia. We would not be able to enjoy all the riches of Christ so much in the training without them. Thank the Lord for the body. Meeting saints from all over Asia has really opened my eyes. What makes it different from merely making friends is that we share something in common - Christ! I treasure every opportunity during breaks and meals to blend with saints from different countries, knowing about their campus work, and sharing about our experiences of preaching and shepherding. It has really encouraged and strengthened me!Thank you Lord for once again bringing me here and speaking to me. May these words not merely become a moment of excitement, but to dwell in me richly, and being transformed and reconstituted with these words. (HKU district, Sis Ting)
Praise the Lord that He has called me to join this training once again. I was touched when a brother mentioned that we need to spend time with the Lord to absorb all the riches of Christ and to accept God's choice, not having our own choice. Being a church kid in the church for almost 20 years, I felt like I'm getting old and being not fresh to God’s word. However, the message exposed my own situation that I really need to be renewed. I don't want to remain in my current situation that my roots are superficial and I am satisfied easily with little enjoyment of Christ; be a person living according to her emotion and environment. Therefore, I need to be renewed so that I can have tender and new roots to reach deep down to absorb Christ as our good land. (HKWYP, Sis Hui)
A burden of the brothers in the message about the all-inclusive Christ being the allotted portion of the saints is that while we’re enjoying the good land, don’t exercise self-choice. The request by Reuben and Gad to receive the land that God had promised was not wrong, however, they were not right in wanting to receive this according to their choice as to what was best, eventually their land was the first part of the land of Israel to be taken over by the gentile invaders from the east. God always knows better, God’s choice is better for you and His economy, we shouldn’t substitute the second best for the best! (TST district, Sis Ting)
For us to absorb the rich elements from the soil in the good land, we have to be deeply rooted in Christ. The only way to become deeply rooted in Christ is to contact the lord and spend time with Him in the word with much prayer. Just like the plants are always absorbing the riches in the soil. Plants are not passively waiting, but they are actively drawing the riches. It is a matter of life and death for them. If we do not have long roots, our growth will be very superficial. However, if a tree is large, it's root will surely be strong. Just like palm trees, they can stand in the desert under the scorching sun, only because they have strong roots. Therefore, if we keep enjoying the Lord every day, we would be able to stand in our situations and failures. So that, we may be built up in Him by being refreshed by Him everyday. (ST district, Sis Li)
In Numbers chapter 24, we could see that in God's view, His people and church are beautiful, perfect and fine. Therefore, we should also be mindful of what we say, especially to His people and His church. Miriam and Aaron murmured and complained why God only spoke to Moses but not them. Jehovah heard it and they became leprous. To stay away from all the rebellions from Satanic world, we should have the wisdom to take Christ because only when we are in Christ, we could enjoy Him as the heavenly manna and true bread. We will then be sanctified, lifted up and be numbered in the formation of His army to fight for His purpose on earth! May God bless our whole life and keep us in His church! (TKO district, Sis Cheung)
I got saved for around 2.5 years and I truly repent for the time I wasted. I enjoyed the Lord, yet I did not genuinely see the God's need. After this training, I consecrate myself that by the Lord’s mercy and the supply from the ministry, I earnestly seek to be a good minister of Christ Jesus, being nourished with the words of the faith and the good teaching which I have closely followed. (ST district, Bro Cheung)
The Lord touched my heart and spirit in the ICTA. I enjoyed the meeting and blending with saints form different countries very much. However, the “real” test starts when we step out of the departure hall in HK. To be useful vessels to fight the war, we must bring God through the Spirit and His words into us. So it is a must to read the living words! Lord, I want to be a useful one to fight the war!Time is precious. I only have three years left for my university life, so I have to redeem my time! It is a real “test”. I have received the revelations in Thailand. Lord, You are coming! I want to be your army, mature enough to fight the battle. Lord, I want to build the church by saying your divine words. Keep my heart pure! Let me be your duplication.I love you, Lord, I consecrate myself and my time to you. To treasure every moment to serve you and to join the Full-Time-Training. “I come to Thailand as a student, but I come back to the local church as a serving one”Praise the Lord! (ST district, Bro Lee)